

The exchange is initialised through the proxy pattern for now. You are welcome to just implement a set constructor if you prefer that.


Each deployment of the contract will work with pairs between an ERC20 contract and all the tokens on an ERC1155 contract. This means one contract can manage multiple exchange pairs.

The constructor takes the address for the ERC20 and ERC1155 token contracts, and the liquidity provider fee.

The liquidity provider fee is provided in the thousandths. e.g. A value of 15 would equate to a 1.5% fee on trades.

func initializer{syscall_ptr: felt*, pedersen_ptr: HashBuiltin*, range_check_ptr}(
    uri: felt,
    currency_address_: felt,
    token_address_: felt,
    lp_fee_thousands_: Uint256,
    royalty_fee_thousands_: Uint256,
    royalty_fee_address_: felt,
    proxy_admin: felt,
) {
    set_royalty_info(royalty_fee_thousands_, royalty_fee_address_);
    return ();

Initial Liquidity

Use this method to provide the initial liquidity to a pair.

This method is only available for the first time liquidity is added to a pair. If you are creating pairs between multiple tokens on the ERC1155 contract, this method will need to be called for each pair.

When calling this method you provide the currency amount, ERC1155 token type id and the token amount. This sets the initial price of the pair. We expect any large enough variation in pricing to be corrected via arbitrage.

The exchange issues liquidity pool tokens equivalent to the supplied currency.

// input arguments are 3 arrays of:
// 1) amount of currency supplied to LP
// 2) ERC1155 token IDs
// 3) amount of tokens supplied
func initial_liquidity{syscall_ptr: felt*, pedersen_ptr: HashBuiltin*, range_check_ptr}(
    currency_amounts_len: felt,
    currency_amounts: Uint256*,
    token_ids_len: felt,
    token_ids: Uint256*,
    token_amounts_len: felt,
    token_amounts: Uint256*,
) {
    // Recursive break
    if (currency_amounts_len == 0) {
        return ();
    assert currency_amounts_len = token_ids_len;
    assert currency_amounts_len = token_amounts_len;
    let (caller) = get_caller_address();
    let (contract) = get_contract_address();
    let (token_address_) =;
    let (currency_address_) =;
    // Only valid for first liquidity add to LP
    let (currency_reserves_: Uint256) =[token_ids]);
    with_attr error_message("Only valid for initial liquidity add") {
        assert currency_reserves_ = Uint256(0, 0);
    let (local data: felt*) = alloc();
    assert data[0] = 0;
    // Transfer currency and token to exchange
    IERC20.transferFrom(currency_address_, caller, contract, [currency_amounts]);
    tempvar syscall_ptr: felt* = syscall_ptr;
        token_address_, caller, contract, [token_ids], [token_amounts], 1, data
    // Assert otherwise rounding error could end up being significant on second deposit
    let (ok) = uint256_le(Uint256(1000, 0), [currency_amounts]);
    with_attr error_message("Must supply larger currency for initial deposit") {
    // Update currency reserve size for token id before transfer
    currency_reserves.write([token_ids], [currency_amounts]);
    // Initial liquidity is currency amount deposited
    lp_reserves.write([token_ids], [currency_amounts]);
    // Mint LP tokens
    ERC1155._mint(caller, [token_ids], [currency_amounts], 1, data);
    // Emit event
    LiquidityAdded.emit(caller, [currency_amounts], [token_ids], [token_amounts]);
    // Recurse
    return initial_liquidity(
        currency_amounts_len - 1,
        currency_amounts + Uint256.SIZE,
        token_ids_len - 1,
        token_ids + Uint256.SIZE,
        token_amounts_len - 1,
        token_amounts + Uint256.SIZE,