
Loot Hello World

Test your setup by minting a Loot item from your account.

Step 1. Get your environment set up

Set up your environment manually or using docker. If you're using docker, run this to get shell access once your image is built:

$ docker run -it --entrypoint /bin/bash realms_cli

Also make sure your account is funded with a small amount of Goerli ETH.

Step 2. List the commands you can run

See the list of available commands by running:

$ nile

Step 3. Mint a Loot item

Run the following command to mint a Loot item:

$ nile mint_loot

You should see output that looks like:

⏳ Querying the network to check transaction status and identify contracts...
🕒 Transaction status: RECEIVED. Trying again in a moment...
🕒 Transaction status: RECEIVED. Trying again in a moment...
🕒 Transaction status: PENDING. Trying again in a moment...
🕒 Transaction status: PENDING. Trying again in a moment...
🕒 Transaction status: PENDING. Trying again in a moment...
✅ Transaction status: ACCEPTED_ON_L2. No error in transaction.

Once that's done, check the explorer to see your Loot item by going to<account_address>#transactions.

For example, if your account address is 0x02c01a3b299b0badbea54846a469bb146c305aca47bbeb80e7e58232a4b57a8e, then go to (opens in a new tab)

On the transactions page, click on the latest transactions hash, then click on events: (opens in a new tab)

The data field for Event 1 should look like:

[0]: 0
[1]: 1244041374027438511511608435205679134226560852740256554748835554917069716110
[2]: 10
[3]: 0

Your Loot item TokenID is the value of the index [2], in this case 10.

Step 4. Inspect your Loot item

Run the following command to inspect the Loot item with the TokenID you minted in the previous step (e.g. TokenID 10):

$ nile get_loot 10

This should give you the following output:

------- CALL ----------------------------------------------------
calling getItemByTokenId from proxy_Loot with ['10', 0]
------- CALL ----------------------------------------------------
_________ LOOT ITEM - 63___________

| Id : 63                                  | Slot : 5
| Type : 202                               | Material : 3205
| Rank : 2                                 | Prefix_1 :
| Prefix_2 :                               | Suffix :
| Greatness : 0                            | CreatedBlock : 1663898665
| XP : 0                                   | Adventurer : 0
| Bag : 0

You've minted your first Loot item, congrats!